Extracurricular Projects

Contact ; Little Dragon Inc ; Produced in America

Sun Light Research

Liddy's Direct Imaging

Imaging capabilities near and far.

Liddy's Dynamic Investments

Automatic management of investment portfolios.

Tuna Fishing Exploratory Research

Hourse [sic] Racing Series

Spelling is intentional and "hourses" have at least four horsepower.

Contributed core design and development. Team leader of a game developed using Phaser engine and JavaScript. Oversaw the development process of multiple earlier iterations. Development of future installations are suspended indefinitely.

HourseByte Engine

Designed and implemented a home brewed javascript 2D physics engine.

Capable of realistic hourse modeling simulations and terrain traversal.

AB Necro Bot

Forum thread reviver using Python and Mechanize.

Written for a forum game where one gains exponential point bonuses for longer time gaps after the last poster. Reached ninetieth percentile out of 500 participants. Built to post at variable and infrequent times to appear not bot like, but with a preference for higher points rewarded. Posts demonstrate increased giddiness on higher scores. Utilized logging to track posting and improve results.

Liddy's Shining Stars

The server applications that run on LDI's primary datacenters using Proxmox and cloud virtual machines. Support for primary and secondary name servers, version control, file transfer servers, IRC bouncers and OpenVPN.

Liddy's Magical Railgun.

A series of Linux scripts that is utilized to improve development and operational synergy across multiple devices and servers. To reduce repeated efforts setting up development environments, and minimize friction on starting new projects; Effort has been invested in evaluating multiple operating systems, and researching best practices for encrypted data migration and storage.

Keyboard notification project

A hardware based notification system to work with most computers. By utilizing a keypress for unused keys, the common plug in keyboard can be used to provide notifications.

Working proof of concept, but lacks the interfaces for other programs to interact with at this time. Developed with Java and Robot.

Tuna Research

This has been repurposed to be a symbolic project representing personal self growth. Please see this blog post for more details. Originally named Tuna Fishing Exploratory Research, it was intended to be an visual todo list leveraging a modified version of the HourseByte Engine™.

Gitlab, EGit, GitStack, and Github [Evaluation]

Note: Usage of GIT at work has dwarfed the original learning efforts in this field.

Used or studied Git usage against EGIT, GitStack, and GitHub for self-practice or offline version control. Concluded that CLI is most efficient for Git. See sample git usage Rare Fish.

LaTeX [Evaluation]

Tested custom LaTeX documentation to write cleaner reports and documentation. While the formatting capabilities are very powerful, I do not do enough documentation to warrant gaining further experience in this area.

Little Dragon Inc

Hobby web design and small development projects. Utilized HTML, CSS and simple PHP to deploy websites.

Designed, developed, and shipped simple websites for local businesses. Handles aspects of maintenance including reliable hosting, custom content design, marketing, and online strategy.

Logo, LDI